Quite difficult, I would say. Much more because finding a reliable translation of something you have in mind is quite complicated. It’s already difficult writing all this in English, given that it’s not my mother language! I was looking for a short sentence to write in Twitter, along with a link to the game trailer.
At first I wanted to say My name is Tsuyu, the name of the main character. I found out that
私の名前は …
seems to mean ‘My name is …’ and in this blog I found how to write Tsuyu: 梅雨 Tsuyu means literally ‘plum rain’, the name that is given to the rainy season around June. That’s why we choosed that name for our little hero: he is able to summon rain. So, ideally
would mean ‘My name is Tsuyu’.
Edit: it seems that it’s not exactly correct, as it sounds like ‘my name Tsuyu’. It should be written like this 私の名前は梅雨です
Anyway and just in case I looked for something easier. I tried ‘It’s raining‘, which @japangaijin confirmed in Twitter that it is written like this
Also quite nice, as that’s what happens in the game: it must rain so trees can be brought back to life.
Finally I also found that
means something like The rainy season is about to begin, which sounds perfect! Assuming that it is correct, of course. If was a friend of mine who loves Japan who told me so, but a confirmation would be great.
Will it reach Japan? I hope so, but it’s already difficult reaching someone outside Spain in English… just imagine trying to write something in such a beautiful but complex language as Japanese!