I’m not a MATLAB expert myself, but I had to code the roulette wheel selection algorithm, once again, this time in the MATLAB programming language. It complements this post, so I thought I could share it: % ——————————————————— % Roulette Wheel Selection Algorithm. A set of weights % represents the… Roulette Wheel Selection Algorithm in MATLABRead more
Author: LuisAnton
Simple FSM-like structure using Coroutines in C# (Unity3D)
The previous post got a funny comment in Reddit: “Yawn. Hang on, inheritance, singletons? Bletch”. So I thought… “I may be getting rusty… let’s give those coroutines a try”. At first, coroutines seemed like a sure way of leaving behind all my (humble) OOP practices. I though they were some… Simple FSM-like structure using Coroutines in C# (Unity3D)Read more
A Finite State Machine in C# for Unity3D
Finite State Machines (FSMs) are pretty useful in many different contexts, as you may know if you are reading this. From a game menu to the complex behaviour of game entities, a nice FSM may improve your code’s readability and simplify its design. Or turn it into a hell of… A Finite State Machine in C# for Unity3DRead more
Tetris, Django Reinhardt Remix
A perfect adittion to our Videogame Soundtracks list in YouTube. The guys at Thousand Monkeys have launched a viral video where they play the Tetris Theme in a Django style. Because, you know, if you want something to be seen on the Internet, put an adorable kitten in it… or… Tetris, Django Reinhardt RemixRead more
0xE8003FFE [Solved]
Unknown Error. And that’s all. I’ve been struggling for hours with the Ad Hoc distribution file of Oddy Smog. We have to prepare and upload it to IGF, because not all judges live in the United States and promo codes, unfortunately, can only be redeemed in the US Store. I think… 0xE8003FFE [Solved]Read more
Cool Oddy Smog trailer animated gif…
… to celebrate that we did not win anything at all in the 2010 Unity Awards. There pretty good works among the nominees! But this year winners where… Grand Prix: Air Attack HD by Art In Games Best Gameplay: Colorbind by Nonverbal Best Non-game LoveMyHome by ILP Best Visual Design:… Cool Oddy Smog trailer animated gif…Read more
Oddy Smog in the IGF
Among true masterpieces like Cave Story (the remake for Wii), Angry Birds and many, many others. But it’s there, and that’s good, and who knows…
The 2010 Unity Awards Nominees
Last month, Oddy was present in the 1st hóPLAY International Videogame Festival, where it was nominated for Best Playability and Best Sound/Music. We did not win, but we competed against NyxQuest and The Path! And that’s our game among good games, which is good enough for our ego. Oddy Smog… The 2010 Unity Awards NomineesRead more
Back from summer holidays
August is over and far, far away… or so it seems. Medusa is back to work, though we didn’t really spend the whole month on the beach, sipping margaritas. Not at all. We spent most of our time around a table, brainstorming new ideas. Sipping beer and smoking, sure, but… Back from summer holidaysRead more
Found on Twitter…
So funny finding this with Twitter-search: keyultd iPhoneの「Oddy smog misadventure」というゲームが楽しい! 見た目と音楽の美しさに惚れました。ゲーム的にもシンプル故に熱中してしまうタイプ。リンク先は海外のレビューです。http://bit.ly/a7Gpbj 59 minutes ago Is guess it’s Japanese, and it coincides with Oddy Smog being #39 in Games-Arcade in Japan… What does it say? I don’t know. I hope that something nice about Oddy. It would be great. Someone in… Found on Twitter…Read more
The way it’s meant to be played
Here’s an impressive escape attempt registered by Israel: 3403m. and 16 prisoners rescuded, scoring 54,448 points! Right before the next update is sent to the App Store, this weekend. It includes leaderboards, a prisoner counter and a new ability that will allow Oddy to evade a certain death… for a… The way it’s meant to be playedRead more
Future updates
Dear ANGRY CUSTOMER, First of all, thank you for your words. Let us remember them: “SERIOUSLY YOU ADDED OPENFEINT? WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU.” You did not reveal your email, so we are unable to answer you properly. But let this letter be both an answer and an announce. Many… Future updatesRead more