R2D2 Pitch Detection project

I’ve just uploaded an attempt at extracting pitch from human voice to GitHub. It’s a Processing sketch that uses the following classes: PitchProject.pde – main sketch file. AudioSource.pde – gets audio from wav files or microphone. ToneGenerator.pde – creates an output tone with a triangle wave. PitchDetectorAutocorrelation.pde – an audio… R2D2 Pitch Detection projectRead more

Redesigning a character

Video game characters should always be something memorable. Or at least, peculiar in some way. They may have personality (Nathan Drake), a unique aspect (Sonic, Samus in her suit), superb dialog lines (Daxter), strange clothes (Voldo AARGH) or weapons (Cloud)… Some designs were even forced by technical constraints (Mario’s hat,… Redesigning a characterRead more

Rain, Sand, Stars

Note: If you are looking for the iOS game, check this post! 😀 We recently conducted a Master Class in Animayo, an International Festival of Animated Film, Visual Effects and Videogames, where me met true giants like Ryan J. Woodward and Carlos Saldanha. Our Master Class, Independent Video Game Creation. An… Rain, Sand, StarsRead more

Remodeling the blog

We are currently trying different themes and layouts, so please forgive us if things look stupid for a while. We should be programming games…

New web, new projects

It’s April Fools, but this is not a prank! We’ve been working hard these past months, relearning HTML, CSS and discovering jQuery in order to get a new and shiny web site! We wanted it to show who we are and what we do, because we are now offering Art… New web, new projectsRead more

Chinese spam

This must be the strangest email we have received until today… 原本已經好瘦嘅你想唔想將更瘦一面比你另外一半睇? 想唔想以更加健康嘅身軀比你另一半睇?? 如果你想,好簡單架詐~~~ 請即登 Which Google Translate converts into… this: Which is already so thin you want Do not want more generous than you lean the other half side of the Air? Do not want to be more generous… Chinese spamRead more


This is PlayMedusa's game devlog: sketches, artwork, news, tutorials... Know more about us and our work in our MAIN SITE!

We create games mostly because we enjoy doing so. We hope you also enjoy playing them! Check them out at itchio Some can be played on the browser!

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