We’ve been using this basic Board structure quite a lot lately. It is pretty useful for simple turn-based games! It comprises a Cell class, a Board class and a basic A* class for pathfinding. Its usage is pretty straightforward in a Unity3D scene, but your code must inherit from it in order to… Verbose A* pathfinding algorithm in C# for Unity3DRead more
Category: Programming
How to create collidable curves (trail, lines, whatever) in Unity3D
A few weeks before Halloween we decided to create a minigame to polish and learn new tricks (and treats, ha!). With not much time left for the game, we came up with simple mechanics: pumpkins fall from the top of the screen and must land safely. If pumpkins fall too fast they… How to create collidable curves (trail, lines, whatever) in Unity3DRead more
Autómata finito en C# para Unity3D
Este artículo es una traducción del que escribimos originalmente en Inglés. Los Autómatas Finitos o Máquinas de Estado Finito (FSMs en sus siglas en Inglés) son bastante útiles en contextos muy diversos, como probablemente ya sabrás si estás leyendo ésto. Desde el menú al comportamiento complejo de las entidades de… Autómata finito en C# para Unity3DRead more
Shuffling C# generic lists
Just a quick hack for shuffling generic lists in C# like this one: List<T> list You may use proper solutions like those in this StackOverflow thread, if you need it for something serious, or simply do this: list.Sort ((x, y) => Random.value < 0.5f ? -1 : 1) which simply defines a… Shuffling C# generic listsRead more
Beatfense – Alpha 5: A New Hope
Beatfense has become a clear example of iterative design. The original idea defined a core mechanic – some kind of tower defense with randomly available items that the player must place on a grid. But it soon became clear that the original design was impractical and chaotic. That’s something that… Beatfense – Alpha 5: A New HopeRead more
Creating and retrieving a file from an iOS device with Unity3
You may want to collect data with a Unity3 iOS app in a text file for a variety of reasons. How to create and retrieve that file from your iOS device is much simpler than I expected. Part of the trick consists on using Application.persistentDataPath. According to Unity Script Reference:… Creating and retrieving a file from an iOS device with Unity3Read more
First test with a Unity scene exported to Flash
We tried exporting Rain,Sand,Stars as is, the whole game, but while it launches and runs there are many audio and graphical problems. Nevertheless, it doesn’t look SO bad, and we’ve already identified some issues (like materials using mobile/vertexlit turning to black) So we choosed a simpler scene, and it works… First test with a Unity scene exported to FlashRead more
R2D2 Pitch Detection project
I’ve just uploaded an attempt at extracting pitch from human voice to GitHub. It’s a Processing sketch that uses the following classes: PitchProject.pde – main sketch file. AudioSource.pde – gets audio from wav files or microphone. ToneGenerator.pde – creates an output tone with a triangle wave. PitchDetectorAutocorrelation.pde – an audio… R2D2 Pitch Detection projectRead more
Walking on the surface of a planetoid with Quaternions
In Rain, Sand, Stars, all objects inhabit little planetoids a la Mario Galaxy (or much before that, a la The Little Prince). Therefore, at each time step, all dynamic objects must be rotated so they stand upright on the planet surface. In a game like Mario Galaxy, their transform.up should… Walking on the surface of a planetoid with QuaternionsRead more
Rain, Sand, Stars
Note: If you are looking for the iOS game, check this post! 😀 We recently conducted a Master Class in Animayo, an International Festival of Animated Film, Visual Effects and Videogames, where me met true giants like Ryan J. Woodward and Carlos Saldanha. Our Master Class, Independent Video Game Creation. An… Rain, Sand, StarsRead more
Free timelapse screencasts in MacOS. Part II: video from snapshots
iMovie is not enough when you want to create a movie from hundreds of snapshots. I’m not able to import them without transitions, so I switched back to what I knew, the Army Knife of video tools: FFMPEG. Installing it on your Mac is easy with MacPorts, which is similar… Free timelapse screencasts in MacOS. Part II: video from snapshotsRead more
Free timelapse screencasts in MacOS. Part I: snapshots
Medusa is giving a talk entitled ‘Independent Video Game Creation. Exploring the technical and creative process‘ in the incoming Animayo festival. We will build a game from zero to beta in three hours while discussing with the audience what makes a game fun. We need to prepare some timelapse videos for… Free timelapse screencasts in MacOS. Part I: snapshotsRead more