Video game characters should always be something memorable. Or at least, peculiar in some way. They may have personality (Nathan Drake), a unique aspect (Sonic, Samus in her suit), superb dialog lines (Daxter), strange clothes (Voldo AARGH) or weapons (Cloud)… Some designs were even forced by technical constraints (Mario’s hat, moustache and overalls respond to the low amount of available pixels in the Famicon system).
Rain,Sand,Stars is loosely inspired by The Little Prince, so its original main character, Zadkiel, shared his looks.
Nothing was strictly wrong with this character. Well, we had some problems with the 3D model… His face simply seemed wrong, as in a hard facial reconstruction after a particularly disgusting accident involving a big cat with huge claws. Don’t blame his less than 900 polygons…
But that was not the problem. He was too serious, perhaps. The sketch was fabulous, but his 3D version simply didn’t rise to the occasion. So we discarded him.
We HAD to do it. Our designer disappeared for a week and came up with our new hero. His name is a secret, his powers grant life, his cuteness doesn’t fit in his romper. We adore him, we hope you will, too: